dimanche 15 février 2009

GMF: first contact

First contact is a term describing the first meeting of two cultures previously unaware of one another...

Running the mindmap sample

Simply begin and try to execute the raw mindmap sample without generating nor changing anything.

Install the modeling Eclipse Ganymede's bundle here: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/

Checkout the GMF examples from the cvs repository:

or download from here: http://f.pfister.free.fr/archives/gmf_examples.zip

Install the 3 following examples:
File/import/existing project into workspace (check: copy project into workspace)


Running the example
Right click on org.eclipse.gmf.examples.mindmap.diagram, run as Eclipse Application. This will run the org.eclipse.gmf.examples.mindmap.diagram plugin (graphical model editor), using org.eclipse.gmf.examples.mindmap (containing the metamodel) and org.eclipse.gmf.examples.mindmap.edit (provide property editing capabilities)
File/new/project/general project
File/new/Examples/Mindmap Diagram
Window/show view/properties

Create a new model
Compose a new model with 2 resources, 5 topics, one of them composed of 2 threads, each composed of several threadItems. Link topics, threads, threadItems to resources.

Model source code: http://f.pfister.free.fr/archives/myfirst.mindmap

The model diagram

The model tree

The model source

Looking at the Metamodel
Let's try to understand how the metamodel is the models's model.
Go back to the org.eclipse.gmf.examples.mindmap project, open the metamodel:
Open org.eclipse.gmf.examples.mindmap/model/mindmap.ecore_diagram
or Initialize Ecore Diagram File (right click on mindmap.ecore), and layout a clean diagram as below:

The Mindmap Metamodel

The Mindmap Metamodel as a tree

The Mindmap Metamodel as an ecore xml file


  • Understand the model conformity to the metamodel
  • Propose to check the model's consistency (Topic and it's first thread belongs to the same resource ?)
  • Propose to extend the model's semantic (visualize links between threadItems and resources ?)

Model source code


checkout from my SVN


1 commentaire:

  1. Bonjour,

    Je travaille sous GMF et je suis intéressée par votre blog (meme s'il n'y a qu'un poste).

    J'ai essayé de realiser l'exemple que vous donnez, mais l'interace graphique ne me permet de rien creer (ni ressource, ni topic), et l'exemple myfirst.mindmap, lorsqu'il est "passé" en model graphique (myfirst.mmd) rien ne s'affiche...

    Sinon, je serais interessée de vous contacter pour discuter de votre projet et/ou echanger des informations sur GMF.
